Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
▪ I. go [go goes went going gone] verb, noun BrE [ɡəʊ] NAmE [ɡoʊ] verb (goesBrE [ɡəʊz] ; NAmE [ɡoʊz] wentBrE [went] ; NAmE [went] goneBrE [ɡɒn] ; NAmE [ɡɔːn] ) Been is used as the past participle of go when sb has gone somewhere and come back. MOVE/TRAVEL 1. intransitive to move or travel from one place to another •+ adv./prep. She went into her room and shut the door behind her. • He goes to work by bus. •I have to go to Rome on business. •She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there). •She has been to China (= she went to China and has now returned). •I think you should go to the doctor's. •Are you going home for Christmas? •~ to do sth She has gone to see her sister this weekend. In spoken English go can be used with and plus another verb to show purpose or to tell sb what to do •I'll go and answer the door. •Go and get me a drink! The and is sometimes left out, especially in NAmE •Go ask your mom! 2. intransitive ~ (to sth) (with sb) to move or travel, especially with sb else, to a particular place or in order to be present at an event • Are you going to Dave's party? • Who else is going? •His dog goes everywhere with him. 3. intransitive to move or travel in a particular way or over a particular distance •+ adv./prep. He's going too fast. •+ noun We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down. 4. intransitive ~ flying, skidding, etc. (+ adv./prep.) to move in a particular way or while doing sth else • The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. • She went sobbing up the stairs. •She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying. LEAVE 5. intransitive to leave one place in order to reach another Syn: ↑depart • I must be going now. • They came at six and went at nine. •Has she gone yet? •He's been gone an hour (= he left an hour a go). •When does the train go? 6. intransitive ~ on sth to leave a place and do sth different •to go on a journey/a tour/a trip/a cruise • Richard has gone on leave for two weeks. VISIT/ATTEND 7. intransitive ~ to sth to visit or attend a place for a particular purpose: (BrE) I have to go to hospital for an operation. • (NAmE) I have to go to the hospital. •to go to prison (= to be sent there as punishment for a crime) •Do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)? SWIMMING/FISHING/JOGGING, ETC. 8. intransitive ~ (for) sth to leave a place or travel to a place in order to take part in an activity or a sport •to go for a walk/drive/swim/run • Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work? • I have to go shopping this afternoon. •We're going sailing on Saturday. BE SENT 9. intransitive (+ adv./prep.) to be sent or passed somewhere • I want this memo to go to all managers. LEAD 10. intransitive ~ (from…) (to…) to lead or extend from one place to another • I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground. • Where does this road go? PLACE/SPACE 11. intransitive + adv./prep. to have as a usual or correct position; to be placed • This dictionary goes on the top shelf. • Where do you want the piano to go (= be put)? 12. intransitive will/would not ~ (in/into sth) used to say that sth does/did not fit into a particular place or space • My clothes won't all go in that one suitcase. • He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn't go. NUMBERS 13. intransitive if a number will go into another number, it is contained in that number an exact number of times •(+ adj.) 3 into 12 goes 4 times. •7 into 15 won't go. • (NAmE)7 into 15 doesn't go. •~ into sth 7 won't go into 15. PROGRESS 14. intransitive + adv./prep. used to talk about how well or badly sth makes progress or succeeds • ‘How did your interview go?’ ‘It went very well, thank you.’ • Did everything go smoothly? •How's it going (= is your life enjoyable, successful, etc. at the moment)? •The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year. STATE/CONDITION 15. intransitive used in many expressions to show that sb/sth has reached a particular state/is no longer in a particular state •~ to/into sth She went to sleep. •~ out of sth That colour has gone out of fashion. 16. linking verb + adj. to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way •to go bald/blind/mad/bankrupt, etc. • Her hair is going grey. • This milk has gone sour. •The children went wild with excitement. 17. intransitive + adj. to live or move around in a particular state •to go naked/barefoot •She cannot bear the thought of children going hungry. 18. intransitive ~ unnoticed, unreported, etc. to not be noticed, reported, etc •Police are worried that many crimes go unreported. SONG/STORY 19. intransitive, transitive used to talk about what tune or words a song or poem has or what happens in a story •+ adv./prep. How does that song go? •I forget how the next line goes. •~ that… The story goes that she's been married five times. SOUND/MOVEMENT 20. intransitive to make a particular sound or movement •+ noun The gun went ‘bang’. •+ adv./prep. She went like this with her hand. 21. intransitive to be sounded as a signal or warning • The whistle went for the end of the game. SAY 22. transitive + speech (informal) (used when telling a story)to say • I asked ‘How much?’ and he goes, ‘Fifty’ and I go, ‘Fifty? You must be joking!’ START 23. intransitive to start an activity •I'll say ‘One, two, three, go!’ as a signal for you to start. •As soon as he gets here we're ready to go. MACHINE 24. intransitive if a machine goes, it works • This clock doesn't go. DISAPPEAR 25. intransitive to stop existing; to be lost or stolen Syn: ↑disappear • Has your headache gone yet? • I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone. BE THROWN OUT 26. intransitive sb/sth must/has to/can ~ used to talk about wanting to get rid of sb/sth • The old sofa will have to go. • He's useless— he'll have to go. NOT WORK 27. intransitive to get worse; to become damaged or stop working correctly • Her sight is beginning to go. • His mind is going (= he is losing his mental powers). •I was driving home when my brakes went. DIE 28. intransitive to die. People say ‘go ’ to avoid saying ‘die ’ •You can't take your money with you when you go. MONEY 29. intransitive when money goes, it is spent or used for sth •I don't know where the money goes! •~ on sth Most of my salary goes on the rent. •~ to do sth The money will go to finance a new community centre. 30. intransitive ~ (to sb) (for sth) to be sold •We won't let the house go for less than $200 000. •There was usually some bread going cheap (= being sold cheaply) at the end of the day. 31. intransitive + adv./prep. to be willing to pay a particular amount of money for sth •He's offered £3 000 for the car and I don't think he'll go any higher. •I'll go to $1 000 but that's my limit. HELP 32. intransitive ~ to do sth to help; to play a part in doing sth •This all goes to prove my theory. •It (= what has just happened) just goes to show you can't always tell how people are going to react. BE AVAILABLE 33. be goingintransitive (informal)to be available •There just aren't any jobs going in this area. TIME 34. intransitive + adv./prep. used to talk about how quickly or slowly time seems to pass • Hasn't the time gone quickly? • Half an hour went past while we were sitting there. USE TOILET 35. intransitive (informal)to use a toilet •Do you need to go, Billy? Rem: Most idioms containing go are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example go it alone is at alone. Verb forms: Word Origin: Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaan and German gehen; the form went was originally the past tense of ↑wend. Thesaurus: go verb 1. I (always used with an adverb or preposition) •She went into her room. move • • travel • • make your way • • get • • head • • make for sth • • run • • pass • • advance • |formal proceed • Opp: come go/move/travel/make your way/get/run/pass/advance/proceed from… to… go/move/travel/make your way/head/run/advance/proceed towards sb/sth go/make your way/get somewhere by bus/train/car, etc. 2. I •She goes to Turkey every summer. travel • • come • • drive • • fly • • run • • do • • cover • |especially AmE ride • go/travel/come/drive/fly/run/ride from/to sth go/travel/come/drive/fly/ride with sb go/travel/come/drive/fly/do/cover/ride 50 miles/1 000 km Go or come? Go is used from the point of view of sb who is at the place where the journey starts; come is used from the point of view of sb who is at the place where the journey ends •We're going to Australia to visit our daughter. • I hope you can come to Australia to visit me. 3. I •He invited her to go to the concert with him. come • • come along • • make • • make it • |formal attend • go/come/come along/make it to sth go/come/come along/attend with sb go to/come to/come along to/make/make it to/attend a meeting/wedding Go or come? Come expresses the point of view of sb who arranges an event or attends it; go is used when the speaker is talking about other people. 4. I •I must go now. leave • • go away • • get away • • go off • • set off • • start • |especially BrE be/go on your way • |especially BrE, spoken be off • |especially AmE, spoken get out of here • |formal depart • • exit • Opp: stay go/leave/go away/get away/set off/start/depart/exit from sb/sth go/leave/go away/get away/go off/set off/start/be on your way/depart at 9 a.m./midnight, etc. be ready/about/going to go/leave/go away/set off/start/depart Leave or go away? Leave is used in ways that emphasize the act or time or leaving sb/sth; go away emphasizes the need or desire of the speaker to be somewhere else or for another person to be somewhere else. 5. I (always used with an adverb or preposition) •Where does this road go? lead • • continue • • reach • • stretch • • span • • extend • go/lead/continue/reach/stretch/span/extend beyond/across sth go/lead/continue/reach/stretch/extend from sth to sth 6. I (especially spoken) •How did your interview go? perform • |especially BrE get on/along • |especially spoken do • |especially written fare • go/perform/get on/do/fare well go/perform/do brilliantly/excellently/badly Go or do? Do is used to talk about the progress or success of either a person or a thing, especially how popular or profitable a business is; go is only used about things, especially experiences such as an interview, a test or life in general. 7. linking verb •His hair is going grey. become • • turn • • get • • grow • go/become/turn red/white/blue, etc. go/become blind/crazy/mad go/turn bad/sour Synonyms: agree accept • approve • go along with sb/sth • consent These words all mean to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen. agree • to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen: ▪ He agreed to let me go early. accept • to be satisfied with sth that has been done, decided or suggested: ▪ They accepted the court's decision. approve • to officially agree to a plan, suggestion or request: ▪ The committee unanimously approved the plan. go along with sb/sth • (rather informal) to agree to sth that sb else has decided; to agree with sb else's ideas: ▪ She just goes along with everything he suggests. consent • (rather formal) to agree to sth or give your permission for sth: ▪ She finally consented to answer our questions. to agree/consent to sth to agree/consent to do sth to agree to/accept/approve/go along with/consent to a plan/proposal to agree to/accept/approve a request Synonyms: choose select • pick • decide • opt • go for These words all mean to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available. choose • to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available: ▪ You choose— I can't decide. select • [often passive] to choose sb/sth, usually carefully, from a group of people or things: ▪ He was selected for the team. ◇ ▪ a randomly selected sample of 23 schools pick • (rather informal) to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things: ▪ She picked the best cake for herself. choose, select or pick? Choose is the most general of these words and the only one that can be used without an object. When you select sth, you choose it carefully, unless you actually say that it is selected randomly/at random. Pick is a more informal word and often a less careful action, used especially when the choice being made is not very important. decide • to choose between two or more possibilities: ▪ We're still trying to ▪ decide on ▪ a venue. opt • to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action: ▪ After graduating she opted for a career in music. ◇ ▪ After a lot of thought, I ▪ opted against ▪ buying a motorbike. go for sth • (rather informal) to choose sth: ▪ I think I'll go for the fruit salad. to choose/select/pick/decide between A and/or B to choose/select/pick A from B to opt/go for sb/sth to choose/decide/opt to do sth to choose/select/pick sb/sth carefully/at random randomly chosen/selected/picked Synonyms: explode blow up • go off • burst • erupt • detonate These are all words that can be used when sth bursts apart violently, causing damage or injury. explode • to burst loudly and violently, causing damage; to make sth burst in this way: ▪ The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded. ◇ ▪ The bomb was exploded under controlled conditions. blow (sth) up • to be destroyed by an explosion; to destroy sth by an explosion: ▪ A police officer was killed when his car blew up. go off • (of a bomb) to explode; (of a gun) to be fired: ▪ The bomb went off in a crowded street. When used about guns, the choice of go off (instead of ‘be fired’) can suggest that the gun was fired by accident. burst • to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way: ▪ That balloon's going to burst. erupt • (of a volcano) to throw out burning rocks and smoke; (of burning rocks and smoke) to be thrown out of a volcano. detonate • (rather formal) (of a bomb) to explode; to make a bomb explode: ▪ Two other bombs failed to detonate. a bomb explodes/blows up/goes off/bursts/detonates a car/plane/vehicle explodes/blows up a firework/rocket explodes/goes off Synonyms: return come back • go back • get back • turn back These words all mean to come or go back from one place to another. return • to come or go back from one place to another: ▪ I waited a long time for him to return. Return is slightly more formal than the other words in this group, and is used more often in writing or formal speech. come back • to return. Come back is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb returns to: ▪ Come back and visit again soon! go back • to return to the place you recently or originally came from or that you have been to before. Go back is usually used from the point of view of the person who is returning: ▪ Do you ever want to go back to China? get back • to arrive back somewhere, especially at your home or the place where you are staying: ▪ What time did you get back last night? turn back • to return the way that you came, especially because sth stops you from continuing: ▪ The weather got so bad that we had to turn back. to return/come back/go back/get back to/from/with sth to return/come back/go back/get back/turn back again to return/come back/go back/get back home/to work to return/come back/get back safely Synonyms: become / get / go / turn These verbs are used frequently with the following adjectives: Become is more formal than get. Both describe changes in people’s emotional or physical state, or natural or social changes. Go is usually used for negative changes. Go and turn are both used for changes of colour. Turn is also used for changes in the weather. Example Bank: •I can't believe I'm going bald— I'm only thirty! •She went bright red with embarrassment. •This milk has gone sour. •Everything went very smoothly. •He goes on endlessly about his health problems. •Leeks and potatoes go well together in a soup. •Stop going on at me about that money. •That tie goes well with that shirt. •The cruise went very quickly. •The days seemed to go by very slowly. •The flight just seemed to go on and on. •The novel went down well with the public. •We'll go on with the presentations after lunch. •‘How did your interview go?’ ‘It went very well, thank you.’ •After they'd gone there was an awkward silence. •Are you going home for New Year? •Are you going to Dave's party? •Could you go and get me a towel? •Don't go— I want to talk to you. •Go get me a towel. •He was going to a concert that evening and invited her to go with him. •He's been gone an hour. •Here's a list of things to remember before you go. •How's it going? •I slipped and the tray I was carrying went flying. •I think you should go to the doctor's. •I usually go to work by bus. •I'm going to Spain this year. •Is your partner going with you? •It's a long way to go just to see a couple of reefs. •She has gone to China. •She's gone to Brazil on vacation. •She's gone to see her sister. •Slow down— you're going too fast. •The car went skidding off the road. •The train goes in a few minutes' time. •The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year. •The weather was pretty bad when we went to Boston last year. •There was usually some bread going cheap at the end of the day. •They went at about nine o'clock. •Those colours don't really go (together). •We had gone many miles without seeing another car. •We won't let the house go for less than £200 000. •What makes it go? •What time did they go? •to go on a journey/tour/trip/cruise •to go on holiday/vacation Idioms: ↑a go ▪ ↑all go ▪ ↑anything goes ▪ as people/things go ▪ ↑at one go ▪ ↑don't go doing something ▪ ↑enough to be going on with ▪ first/second go ▪ ↑go all out for something ▪ ↑go all out to do something ▪ ↑go and do something ▪ ↑go off on one ▪ ↑go on ▪ ↑going on something ▪ ↑going to do something ▪ ↑have a go ▪ ↑have a go at somebody ▪ ↑have something on the go ▪ ↑in one go ▪ lot/nothing going for you ▪ ↑make a go of something ▪ ↑no go ▪ ↑not go there ▪ ↑on the go ▪ ↑what goes around comes around ▪ ↑where does somebody go from here? ▪ ↑who goes there? Derived: ↑go about ▪ ↑go about something ▪ ↑go after somebody ▪ ↑go against somebody ▪ ↑go against something ▪ ↑go ahead ▪ ↑go along ▪ ↑go along with somebody ▪ ↑go at somebody ▪ ↑go at something ▪ ↑go away ▪ ↑go back ▪ ↑go back on something ▪ ↑go back to something ▪ ↑go before ▪ ↑go before somebody ▪ ↑go beyond something ▪ ↑go by ▪ ↑go by something ▪ ↑go down ▪ ↑go down with something ▪ ↑go for somebody ▪ ↑go for something ▪ ↑go in ▪ ↑go in for something ▪ ↑go in with somebody ▪ ↑go into something ▪ ↑go off ▪ ↑go off somebody ▪ ↑go off with somebody ▪ ↑go off with something ▪ ↑go on ▪ ↑go on doing something ▪ ↑go on something ▪ ↑go on to do something ▪ ↑go on to something ▪ ↑go out ▪ ↑go out of somebody ▪ ↑go out to somebody ▪ ↑go out with somebody ▪ ↑go over ▪ ↑go over something ▪ ↑go over to somebody ▪ ↑go over to something ▪ ↑go round ▪ ↑go through ▪ ↑go through something ▪ ↑go through with something ▪ ↑go to somebody ▪ ↑go together ▪ ↑go towards something ▪ ↑go under ▪ ↑go up ▪ ↑go with somebody ▪ ↑go with something ▪ ↑go without noun (pl. goesBrE [ɡəʊz] ; NAmE [ɡoʊz] ) 1. countable (BrE) (also turn NAmE, BrE)a person's turn to move or play in a game or an activity •Whose go is it? •It's your go. •‘How much is it to play?’ ‘It's 50p a go.’ •Can I have a go on your new bike? 2. countable (BrE) (also try NAmE, BrE)an attempt at doing sth •It took three goes to get it right. •I doubt if he'll listen to advice from me, but I'll give it a go (= I'll try but I don't think I will succeed). 3. uncountable (BrE)energy and enthusiasm •Mary's always got plenty of go. see also ↑get-up-and-go more at leave go (of sth) at ↑leave v., let sb/sth go at ↑let v. Word Origin: Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaan and German gehen; the form went was originally the past tense of ↑wend. Example Bank: •‘How much is it to play?’ ‘It's 50p a go.’ •I doubt if he'll listen to advice from me, but I'll give it a go. •It's your go. •You should have a go at answering all the questions. See also: ↑go about ▪ ↑go together ▪ ↑on the move ▪ ↑try ▪ ↑turn ▪ II. to ˈgo idiom 1. remaining; still left •I only have one exam to go. 2. (NAmE, informal)if you buy cooked food to go in a restaurant or shop/store, you buy it to take away and eat somewhere else •Two pizzas to go. Main entry: ↑goidiom
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