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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

fore·cast [forecast forecasts forecasted forecasting] noun, verb BrE [ˈfɔːkɑːst] NAmE [ˈfɔːrkæst]
a statement about what will happen in the future, based on information that is available now
sales forecasts
It is difficult to make long-term forecasts for a fast-growing industry.
The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers.
The shipping forecast gave warnings of gales.
see also weather forecast

forecast noun C
Sales forecasts are encouraging.
prediction • • projection • • prophecy • • expectation
(a) forecast/prediction/projection/prophecy/expectations about sth
a forecast/predictions/projections/expectations for sth
make a forecast/prediction/projection/prophecy

Example Bank:
Forecasts about the economy are often misleading.
Some forecasts suggest that the increase in heart disease will continue for some time.
The government has issued a pessimistic economic forecast.
The interest rate is in line with the forecast.
This morning's weather forecast called for snow.
This week the company is expected to raise its revenue forecast.
a long-range weather forecast
a short-term forecast of the UK economy
forecasts based on a complicated procedure
forecasts for different sectors of the industry
forecasts for earnings in 2015
forecasts for the year
forecasts of population growth
It is difficult to make forecasts for a fast-growing industry.
It is too early to make firm forecasts about demand.
The forecast said there would be sunny inervals and showers.
The sales forecasts are encouraging.
The weather forecast wasn't too bad.

verb (fore·cast, fore·castor fore·cast·ed, fore·cast·ed)
to say what you think will happen in the future based on information that you have now
Syn: predict
~ sth Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.
Snow is forecast for tomorrow.
It is difficult to forecast the demand for the new train service.
~ sth to do sth Temperatures were forecast to reach 40°C.
~ that… The report forecasts that prices will rise by 3% next month.
~ how, what, etc… It is difficult to forecast how the markets will react.
Verb forms:

forecast verb T
Snow is forecast for tomorrow.
predict • • foresee • • prophesy • |especially business project • |especially spoken say
forecast/predict/foresee/prophesy that…
forecast/predict/foresee/prophesy/say what/how/when/who/where/whether…
forecast/predict/foresee/prophesy the future
Forecast or predict? Someone predicts what will happen based on the information available, their opinions or using religious or magical powers; someone forecasts sth based on the information available and often using scientific methods.

The weather
Good weather
be bathed in/bask in/be blessed with/enjoy bright/brilliant/glorious sunshine
the sun shines/warms sth/beats down (on sth)
the sunshine breaks/streams through sth
fluffy/wispy clouds drift across the sky
a gentle/light/stiff/cool/warm/sea breeze blows in/comes in off the sea
the snow crunches beneath/under sb's feet/boots
Bad weather
thick/dark/storm clouds form/gather/roll in/cover the sky/block out the sun
the sky darkens/turns black
a fine mist hangs in the air
a dense/heavy/thick fog rolls in
the rain falls/comes down (in buckets/sheets)/pours down
snow falls/comes down/covers sth
the wind blows/whistles/howls/picks up/whips through sth/sweeps across sth
strong/gale-force winds blow/gust (up to 80 mph)
a storm is approaching/is moving inland/hits/strikes/rages
thunder rolls/rumbles/sounds
(forked/sheet) lightning strikes/hits/flashes
a (blinding/snow) blizzard hits/strikes/blows/rages
a tornado touches down/hits/strikes/destroys sth/rips through sth
forecast/expect/predict rain/snow/a category-four hurricane
(NAmE) pour (down)/ (BrE) pour (down) with rain
get caught in/seek shelter from/escape the rain
be covered/shrouded in mist/a blanket of fog
be in for/brave/shelter from a/the storm
hear rolling/distant thunder
be battered/buffeted by strong winds
(BrE) be blowing a gale
battle against/brave the elements
The weather improves
the sun breaks through the clouds
the sky clears/brightens (up)/lightens (up)
the clouds part/clear
the rain stops/lets up/holds off
the wind dies down
the storm passes
the mist/fog lifts/clears

Language Bank:
Discussing predictions
The number of people using mobile phones to purchase goods and services is expected / likely to more than double by the end of 2015.
Experts have predicted / forecast that the number of people using their mobile phones to pay for goods and services should exceed 190 million in 2015.
This figure is set to reach 200 million by 2016.
By 2015, 800 million mobile phone users worldwide will be participating in social networks via their phone.
Sales of mobile phones in 2009 were lower than expected .
The company's announcement of 1.26 billion handsets sold for the year is in line with predictions .
Language Banks at ↑fall, ↑illustrate, ↑increase, ↑proportion

Example Bank:
a result that was widely forecast
higher costs than those originally forecast
The report forecasts that prices will rise by 3% next month.


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