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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

fade [fade fades faded fading] BrE [feɪd] NAmE [feɪd] verb
1. intransitive, transitive to become or to make sth become paler or less bright
The curtains had faded in the sun.
~ from sth All colour had faded from the sky.
~ sth The sun had faded the curtains.
He was wearing faded blue jeans.
2. intransitive to disappear gradually
Her smile faded.
~ away Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.
The laughter faded away.
~ to/into sth His voice faded to a whisper (= gradually became quieter).
All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.
Summer was fading into autumn.
3. intransitive if a sports player, team, actor, etc. fades, they stop playing or performing as well as they did before
Black faded on the final bend.
see blend/fade into the woodwork at woodwork
Derived:fade away fade in fade something in
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English (in the sense ‘grow weak’: from Old French fader, from fade ‘dull, insipid’, probably based on a blend of Latin fatuus ‘silly, insipid’ and vapidus ‘vapid’.

Example Bank:
Hopes of a peace settlement were fading fast.
It was impossible for her to fade quietly into the background.
The smile faded from his face.
Their voices faded into the distance.
His voice faded to a whisper.

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