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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

ego [ego egos] BrE [ˈiːɡəʊ] BrE [ˈeɡəʊ] NAmE [ˈiːɡoʊ] noun (pl. egos)
1. your sense of your own value and importance
He has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.
Winning the prize really boosted her ego.
2. (psychology)the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are (= your identity)
compare superego
see also alter ego
compare id

Word Origin:
early 19th cent.: from Latin, literally I.

Example Bank:
He was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.
It was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.
Professionals need to check their egos and change their techniques.
She likes to mix with people who flatter her ego.
a conceited man with a very big ego
Freud introduced the idea that a part of the ego is unconscious.
He has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.
The part of the ego which does the criticizing is the conscience.
Unconditional surrender was more than his fragile ego could bear.
Winning the prize really boosted her ego.

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