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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

eco·nom·ic AW BrE [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] NAmE [ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk] BrE [ˌekəˈnɒmɪk] NAmE [ˌekəˈnɑːmɪk] adjective
1. only before noun connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society
social, economic and political issues
economic growth/cooperation/development/reform
the government's economic policy
economic history
the current economic climate
2. (of a process, a business or an activity)producing enough profit to continue
Syn: profitable, Opp: uneconomic

Word Origin:
late Middle English: via Old French and Latin from Greek oikonomikos, from oikonomia ‘household management’, based on oikos ‘house’ + nemein ‘manage’. Originally a noun, the word denoted household management or a person skilled in this, hence the early sense of the adjective (late 16th cent.) ‘relating to household management’. Modern senses date from the mid 19th cent.

economic [economic] adj.
1. only before noun
Economic growth was fastest in Japan.
financial • • commercial • |finance monetary • • budgetary
economic/financial/commercial/monetary/budgetary policy/systems/problems
economic/financial/commercial/monetary gain/loss/value/affairs
economic/financial/commercial/budgetary data/decisions
2. (often used in negative sentences)
It is not economic for small farmers to buy large amounts of fertilizer.
profitable • • commercial • • profit-making
Opp: uneconomic

financial • commercial • monetary • budgetary
These words all describe activities or situations that are connected with the use of money, especially by a business or country.
economic • connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society: This book deals with the social, economic and political issues of the period.
financial • connected with money and finance: She had got into financial difficulties. Tokyo is a major financial centre.
commercial • connected with the buying and selling of goods and services.
monetary • (formal or finance) connected with money, especially all the money in a country: closer European monetary union
budgetary • (finance) connected with a budget (= the money available or a plan of how it will be spent).
economic/financial/commercial/monetary/budgetary affairs/decisions
the economic/financial/commercial/budgetary climate
the economic/financial/commercial side of sth
an economic/financial/commercial centre

profitable • commercial • lucrative • economic
These words all describe sb/sth that is making or is likely to make money.
successful • making a lot of money, especially by being popular: The play was very successful on Broadway. The company has had another successful year.
profitable • making a profit: a highly profitable business
commercial • [only before noun] making or intended to make a profit: The movie was not a commercial success (= made no profit) .
lucrative • (of business or work) producing or paying a large amount of money; making a large profit: They do a lot of business in lucrative overseas markets.
economic • (often used in negative sentences) (of a process, business or activity) producing enough profit to continue: Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby.
a successful/profitable/lucrative business
a successful/profitable/lucrative year
a(n) commercial/economic success

Which Word?:
economic / economical
Economic means ‘connected with the economy of a country or an area, or with the money that a society or an individual has’: the government’s economic policy the economic aspects of having children.
see also economy 1
Economical means ‘spending money or using something in a careful way that avoids waste’: It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities.
see also economy 3

Example Bank:
A public spending programme is out of the question in the current economic climate.
Economic growth was fastest in Japan.
It's simply not economic for these small farmers to start buying large amounts of expensive fertilizer.
She's a lecturer in economic history.
Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby.
The government's economic policy has been broadly successful.
This book deals with the social, economic and political issues of the period.

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