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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

bumpy [bumpy bumpier bumpiest] BrE [ˈbʌmpi] NAmE [ˈbʌmpi] adjective (bump·ier, bumpi·est)
1. (of a surface)not even; with a lot of ↑bumps
a bumpy road/track
bumpy ground
2. (of a journey)uncomfortable with a lot of sudden unpleasant movements caused by the road surface, weather conditions, etc
a bumpy ride/flight
Idiom:have somebody a bumpy ride

Example Bank:
The road was getting bumpier and we had to hold on to our seats.
a very bumpy ride through country lanes
He rode over the bumpy ground on his mountain bike.
She felt quite sick from the long drive over the bumpy road.

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