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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

bal·loon [balloon balloons ballooned ballooning] noun, verb BrE [bəˈluːn] NAmE [bəˈluːn]
1. a small bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill it with air or gas. Balloons are brightly coloured and used as decorations or toys
to blow up/burst/pop a balloon
My balloon has burst!
A thousand balloons were released to mark the event.
compare trial balloon
2. (also hot-ˈair balloon)a large balloon made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, usually carrying a ↑basket for passengers
more at go down like a lead balloon at lead 2

Word Origin:
late 16th cent. (originally denoting a game played with a large inflated leather ball): from French ballon or Italian ballone ‘large ball’.

Example Bank:
She crossed the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.
They tied the balloons to the back of the car.
We went up in a balloon.
helium balloons for the children's party
Idiom:when the balloon goes up
1. intransitive ~ (out/up) to suddenly swell out or get bigger
Her skirt ballooned out in the wind.
Unemployment ballooned to fourteen per cent.
2. intransitive (usually go ballooning)to travel in a ↑hot-air balloon as a sport
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late 16th cent. (originally denoting a game played with a large inflated leather ball): from French ballon or Italian ballone ‘large ball’.
See also:hot-air balloon

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