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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
Henry VII

Henry VII [Henry VII] BrE NAmE
(1457–1509) king of England (1485–1509), the first ↑Tudor king. Born Henry Tudor, he was brought up in France. In 1485 he led a ↑rebellion against ↑Richard III, defeated him at the Battle of Bosworth Field and became king. In 1486 he married the daughter of Edward, uniting the House of ↑Lancaster (to which he belonged) and the House of ↑York and so bringing the ↑Wars of the Roses to an end. Although there were ↑rebellions during his rule, including those led by Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck, Henry established greater order in the country, introduced a more modern system of government and greatly improved the country’s financial position.

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