polite behaviour POLITE - to tell sb that you are happy about sth that they have given you or sth that they have done for you: thank sb (for sth) I'm writing to thank you for the book you sent me. - when you feel happy about sth that sb has given you or sth that they have done for you, you are grateful (adverb gratefully); noun (U): gratitude I'd be very grateful if you could give me some advice. ◎ I can't tell you how grateful I am. ◎ She was full of gratitude for all the support she was given. ◎ He never shows me any gratitude for anything I do. - not grateful: ungrateful; noun (U): ingratitude - to feel grateful for sth: appreciate sth; noun (U): appreciation; adjective: appreciative (of sth) I really appreciate your help. ◎ I'm sending you a small present as a sign of my appreciation. ◎ She was appreciative of my support. - to express gratitude for sth: say* thank you (for sth), (formal) acknowledge sth; an act of saying thank you: thanks (noun plural), acknowledgement (noun U) They never acknowledged my help. ◎ I'd like to express my thanks to everyone at the hospital. ◎ I didn't get any acknowledgement for the work I had done. ※ ways of thanking people - to thank sb for sth, you can say Thank you (very/so much) or (more informal) Thanks (a lot) or (informal) Cheersinformal) Ta 'Will you join us for lunch?' 'Thank you very much!' (= yes) Thank you so much for the beautiful gift! ◎ 'How are you feeling?' ' Much better, thanks.' ◎ 'Good luck with the test.' 'Thanks a lot!' - to refuse sth politely, you can say No, thank youmore informal) No, thanks 'Would you like a coffee?' 'No, thanks.' - to reply when sb thanks you for sth, you can say You're welcome! or Not at all! or Don't mention it! ※ MORE ... - hard work which nobody appreciates or thanks you for is thankless a thankless task