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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

I - noun
a lavishly produced performance
- they put on a Christmas spectacular
performance, public presentation

II - adjective
1. sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect (Freq. 4)
- a dramatic sunset
- a dramatic pause
- a spectacular display of northern lights
- it was a spectacular play
- his striking good looks always created a sensation
dramatic, striking
Similar to:
Derivationally related forms:
strikingness (for: striking), drama (for: dramatic)
2. characteristic of spectacles or drama (Freq. 1)
- spectacular dives from the cliff
Similar to:
Derivationally related forms:
3. having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
- an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom
- a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book
- salient traits
- a spectacular rise in prices
- a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center
- a striking resemblance between parent and child
outstanding, prominent, salient, striking
Similar to:
Derivationally related forms:
strikingness (for: striking), spectacle, saliency (for: salient), salience (for: salient)

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