Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 things to sit on 2 sitting in a place 3 ways of sitting see also STAND, LIE
1 things to sit on - a thing used for sitting on: seat - a seat with a back, for one person to sit on: chair - a bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair, etc to make it comfortable: cushion ※ more on chairs CHAIR - a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people, often outdoors: bench - a long seat in a church: pew - a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle: saddle - a seat that you put on a horse so that you can ride it: saddle - the flat area that is formed by the upper parts of your legs when you are sitting down: lap, knee The child sat on his mother's lap as she read him a story. ◎ Come and sit on my knee.
2 sitting in a place - to be in a position (usually on a chair) in which your back is upright and your weight is supported at the bottom of your back: sit* She was sitting on a chair, reading a book. - to put your body into a sitting position: sit* (down), take* a seat, (more formal) be seated Would you like to sit down over here? ◎ I took a seat at the front of the hall. ◎ Please be seated. The show is about to begin. - to move into a sitting position after you have been lying down: sit* up Jerry woke suddenly and sat up in bed. - to sit and do nothing active for a period of time: (informal) sit* about/around I went into the living room where everyone was sitting around watching TV. - a place for sb to sit: seat, place Don't sit there. That's Doug's place. ◎ Save me a place next to you. - when a seat has nobody sitting in it, it is free; when a seat has sb sitting in it, it is taken 'Is this seat free?' 'No, I'm sorry. It's taken.' - to have seats for a particular number of people: seat ※¦ This plane seats three hundred people. - to lead sb to their seat: show* sb to their seat - to put sb into a sitting position: sit* sb (down) Margaret sat her baby on the floor. ※ to stop sitting - to move into a standing position from your seat: get* up, stand* up, (more formal) rise* When the performance was over the audience rose from their seats and cheered wildly.
3 ways of sitting - the way that a person is sitting: position She was sitting in a very uncomfortable position on the arm of the chair. - to sit with a straight back: sit upright - to relax (in a chair, etc) and not take an active part in what other people are doing: sit* back Just you sit back and relax while I make the dinner. - to put yourself in a comfortable position in a chair: settle back We settled back in our seats to watch the film. - to sit or stand in a lazy way; to relax: lounge They were lounging on the sofa watching television. - to sit without moving: sit still Sit still, will you? I can't see the screen. - to sit down with your feet on the ground and your bottom just above the ground: squat - to sit with your legs on each side of sth: sit astride sth to sit astride a horse - to sit on the floor with your legs pulled up in front of you and with one leg or foot placed over the other: sit cross-legged - to sit on a chair with one leg over the other: sit* with your legs crossed - to go down on one or both knees: kneel* (down)
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