Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 time when people do not work 2 special days and times which are holidays 3 going away on holiday see also TRAVEL
1 time when people do not work - a period of time when people do not work, and when they may go away, rest, have fun, etc: holiday (often plural), (especially AmE) vacation (noun C/U), (formal) leave (noun U) the school holidays ◎ Are you taking any holiday this summer? ◎ Jim's in the army but he'll be home on leave soon. - a day of rest from school or work: holiday, day off I'm not going to work today - it's my day off. - a short period of time when you do not work: break, time off I'm taking a short break and going to my sister's for a few days. ◎ You look exhausted - you should take a few days off and relax. - when you are not working, you are on holiday, off I can't come I'm afraid - I'm on holiday that week. ◎ I'm off next Friday.
2 special days and times which are holidays - Saturday and Sunday: weekend - a weekend with a Monday or a Friday or both as a holiday: long weekend We're having a long weekend at the seaside. - a day which is a holiday for most people in a country: public holiday - (in Britain) a day when the banks close and which is usually a holiday for most people in the country: bank holiday Bank Holiday Monday ◎ the August Bank Holiday - January 1: New Year's Day - May 1: May Day (celebrated in Britain on the first Monday in May) - July 4 (in the United States): Independence Day - the fourth Tuesday in November (in the United States) or the second Monday in October (in Canada): Thanksgiving - December 25: Christmas Day - the period when people celebrate Christmas: Christmas holiday(s) - the period when people celebrate Easter: Easter holiday(s) - the period over the summer when people are on holiday: summer holiday(s) We usually go away during the summer holidays. - a short holiday that some schools have, in the middle of a term: (BrE) half-term (holiday)
3 going away on holiday - a time when you travel away from home to relax: holiday (often plural) (AmE vacation) Have a nice holiday! ◎ Where are you spending your holidays? - to leave your home and go somewhere else for a holiday: go* (away) on holiday, go* away They're going on holiday to Greece this year. ◎ We're only going away for a few days. - a holiday for two people who have just got married: honeymoon They're on their honeymoon. - the place or shop where you can choose and book a holiday: travel agent's, travel agency - a magazine that advertises holidays which you can buy: (holiday) brochure - to reserve and pay for a holiday before you go: book sth We've booked two weeks in Austria in July. - a book that tells you everything you need to know about going on holiday somewhere: travel guide, guide book - a book that tells you how to say things in another language: phrase book - a place where a lot of people go on holiday: resort a skiing/seaside resort - a place where you pay to stay and sometimes have your meals: hotel - a place that provides accommodation and entertainment for people on holiday: holiday camp ※ more on staying in hotels HOTEL ※ ways of taking your holiday - a special holiday where you pay for your travel, hotel and some or all of your meals before you leave: package holiday - a holiday on a large ship: cruise to go on a round-the-world cruise - a holiday in Africa, looking at wild animals: safari to go on safari - a journey when you visit a place and return: trip a trip to the seaside - to travel around on holiday carrying your luggage in a bag on your back: go* backpacking They went backpacking round Europe last summer. - to go on a holiday with a tent: go* camping - a holiday that you spend doing sports or other outdoor activities: adventure/activity holiday - a holiday that you spend walking or cycling: walking/cycling holiday - a holiday that you spend travelling round a place, for example in a car or a bus: touring holiday - a holiday when you do some work: working holiday ※ more on camping CAMP ※ MORE ... - the time of year which is the most popular with tourists: high season; the time of year which is the least popular with tourists: low season - something that you buy on holiday to remind you of a place: souvenir Did you bring back any souvenirs? ◎ a souvenir of Rome
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