Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 an empty space in sth solid 2 an opening through sth
1 an empty space in sth solid - an empty space in sth solid: hole Rabbits live in holes. ◎ a hole in the ground/road ◎ a deep hole ◎ to put sth in/down a hole - a large hole that is made in the ground: pit They dug a big pit to bury the rubbish. - a rough hole in a road: pothole - to make a hole in the ground: dig* sth to dig a hole in the ground ◎ to dig a tunnel - to put the earth back inside a hole: fill sth (up/in) to fill a hole with earth ◎ We filled in the hole in the wall with stones and cement. - to put sth in a hole in the ground to cover it up: bury sth The dog buried its bone in the back garden. - if sth has an empty space (like a hole) inside, it is hollow; opposite: solid a hollow tree/wall/bone - to take the inside part of sth out in order to make sth else: hollow sth out to hollow out a tree to make a boat - a hollow place on a hard surface: dent There's a dent in the car door where the other car hit it. - to make a dent in sth: dent sth
2 an opening through sth - an opening through sth: hole a hole in the fence ◎ a hole in a jumper/pocket/bucket ◎ Push the wire through the hole. ◎ a bullet hole ◎ a buttonhole ◎ a keyhole ◎ There was a gaping hole (= a very big hole) in the roof where the bomb had fallen. - an empty space in sth or between two things: gap She looked through a gap in the curtains. ◎ a ten-inch gap - a very narrow opening: crack He could just see them through a crack in the wall. ◎ The door was open just a crack. - a small hole or crack through which liquid or gas can escape: leak There's water dripping out of the bucket - there must be a leak somewhere. - (used about liquid or gas) to be released in this way: leak Water was leaking through a hole in the roof. - a small hole in a bicycle or car tyre: puncture I can't ride my bike, it's got a puncture. ◎ to mend a puncture - to make a small hole in sth with air inside: puncture sth to puncture a tyre/balloon/football - to make a hole in sth with a sharp point: pierce sth Pierce the top of the tin. - a tool used for making small holes (for example in a wall or a piece of wood): drill - to make a small hole in sth, using a drill: drill sth They drilled some holes in the wall to put up the shelves. - to fill a hole with sth: plug/block sth (up), stop sth up; opposites: unplug sth, unblock sth The holes were securely plugged so that the water could not escape. ※ MORE ... - a small opening in a wall, rock, etc: cranny He hid something in a small cranny in the wall. - a very small narrow opening: chink
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