Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
government activity

the act of governing;
exercising authority
- regulations for the governing of state prisons
- he had considerable experience of government
government, governing, governance, administration
Derivationally related forms:
govern (for: governance), govern (for: governing), govern (for: government)
Members of this Topic:
progressive, reformist, reform-minded, allegiant, federal,
unitary, minimalist, land reform, squandermania, price-fixing, devolution,
devolvement, destabilization, destabilisation, protest march, government, politics,
political science, paternalism, manifesto, pronunciamento, authorities, regime,
event planner, bounty, premium, zero coupon bond, zero-coupon bond, office,
power, anarchy, lawlessness
social control
misgovernment, misrule, legislation, legislating, lawmaking, trust busting

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