Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different economic systems 2 money 3 trade and industry 4 economic conditions
1 different economic systems - the operation of a country's money supply, trade and industry: economy; connected with the economy of a country: economic an improvement in the economy ◎ a successful economic policy ◎ economic problems - the study of the way in which economies work: economics (noun U) She studied economics at university. - an expert in economics: economist - the economic system in which individuals own and control businesses: capitalism (noun U); adjective: capitalist; a person who supports capitalism: capitalist the capitalist system - the economic system in which the state controls the economy of a country: socialism (noun U); adjective: socialist; a person who supports socialism: socialist - an economic system in which some businesses are owned and controlled by the state, and other businesses are owned and run by individuals: mixed economy - the operation of trade and business without government control: free enterprise (noun U), private enterprise (noun U) - an economy where the government does not fix prices: free-market economy ※ political ideas POLITICS
2 money - the means of paying for sth or buying sth: money (noun U) - the system or kind of money that a country uses: currency a strong currency ◎ plans for a single European currency - connected with money, especially currencies: monetary the Government's monetary policy - money that you use to start a business or that you put in a bank, etc to make more money: capital (noun U) - the management of money: finance (noun U); adjective: financial to be in financial difficulties - to reduce the value of the money of one country in relation to the value of money in another country: devalue sth; noun (C/U): devaluation The pound has been devalued by 3% against the franc. ※ more on money MONEY - the money that you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services: tax (noun C/U) to increase taxes - the system by which a government takes money from people so that it can pay for services: taxation (noun U) - to raise money through taxation: tax sb/sth - a statement by the Government saying how much money it intends to spend and how it is going to collect the money: budget - the government department that controls taxation and government spending: the Treasury ※ more on taxation TAX
3 trade and industry - the amount of goods or services that people want: demand (for sth) (noun U) - the amount of sth that businesses produce: supply (noun U) - the level of demand that there is for a particular thing: market There's not much of a market for wooden toys these days. ◎ The used car market has been declining for some years. - the activity of buying and selling goods and services: business (noun U), commerce (noun U); adjective: commercial - the work done in factories and large organizations: industry (noun C/U); adjective: industrial the steel industry ◎ manufacturing industry ◎ industrial expansion ※ more on business and industry BUSINESS, INDUSTRY
4 economic conditions - the total value of the goods and services bought and sold in an economy each year: gross national product (abbreviation GNP)(noun singular) - a period in which an economy or a business grows or develops quickly: boom; verb: boom There was a boom in the economy during the mid-1980s. ◎ Business is booming! - to be financially successful: prosper; noun (U): prosperity; adjective: prosperous The country is going through a period of prosperity. ◎ a prosperous company - a failure in the business world: crash the Wall Street crash of 1929 - a sudden fall in trade or the value of sth: slump; verb: slump a slump in house prices ◎ The pound slumped against the German Mark. - a period when a country's economy is not successful: recession (noun C/U); a very serious recession: depression (noun C/U) The economy is moving out of recession. ◎ We're facing another depression. - the general rise in prices in an economy: inflation (noun U); adjective: inflationary Inflation is now under 2% per year. ◎ A reduction in interest rates could be highly inflationary.
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