Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 damage to things 2 damage to people, organizations, etc
1 damage to things - to make sth useless or not as good as before: damage sth; the effect of damaging sth: damage (noun U) Our roof was damaged in the storm. ◎ The fire caused ※£20 000 worth of damage. - to be careless or make a mistake, with the result that sth is no longer good: spoil sth Don't put too much salt in the soup - you'll spoil it. - to intentionally damage sb else's property for no reason: vandalize sth; noun (U): vandalism; a person who vandalizes property is called a vandal We couldn't ring because the phone box had been vandalized. - to cause damage intentionally and in secret, in order to stop an enemy or competitor from being successful: sabotage sth; noun (U): sabotage ※ serious damage - to damage sth so badly that it can no longer be used or so that it no longer exists: destroy sth, ruin sth, wreck sth Several buildings were destroyed in the earthquake. ◎ Water got into the building and a lot of valuable paintings were ruined. ◎ The boat was wrecked by the storm. - the act of destroying sth or being destroyed: destruction (noun U) the destruction of the city - causing serious damage: destructive a highly destructive earthquake/wind/storm - a car, plane, boat, etc that has been destroyed as a result of an accident: wreck; the wreck of a ship: shipwreck The wreck of a car was found at the bottom of the cliff. - the broken pieces of sth that has been wrecked: wreckage (noun U) Rescue workers are searching for the wreckage of the plane. - to destroy sth by making it explode: blow* sth up, blow* sth to bits/pieces The bomb blew the car to bits. - to completely destroy a building or buildings by fire: burn sth down, burn sth to the ground ※ destroying a building on purpose BUILD - to break and fall into pieces: fall* down, collapse; noun (U/singular) collapse Many buildings collapsed during the earthquake. - to fall to the ground because of the strength of the wind: be blown down, blow* down A tree blew down in the storm. - the broken parts of a building which has collapsed: ruins (noun plural) ancient Greek ruins - an old, broken-down building: ruin The house is a ruin - no one lives there now. - (of a building) badly damaged or destroyed: in ruins They came back to find their house in ruins.
2 damage to people, organizations, etc - to damage sb's health, a situation, etc: harm sb/sth; noun (U): harm This kind of behaviour will harm the reputation of the school. ◎ It won't do you any harm to eat a little less. - to cause physical damage to sb/yourself, especially in an accident: hurt* sb/sth, injure sb/sth; noun (C/U): injury I fell and hurt my arm. ◎ One person was seriously injured in the accident. ※ more on injury INJURY - if sb/sth is likely to hurt or kill sb/sth, it is dangerous (adverb dangerously) - if sth is likely to harm you, it is harmful (to you/to your health), bad for you Cigarettes are harmful to your health. ◎ Too much sugar is bad for you. - not dangerous: safe (adverb safely) a safe journey ◎ Drive safely! - not likely to harm anybody: harmless (adverb harmlessly) Don't worry - it's just harmless fun. ※ more on being dangerous or safe DANGEROUS ※ wanting to harm sb - to want to harm sb else: wish sb ill, (informal) have it in for sb I don't wish him ill, I'm just angry with him. - to harm sb because you are angry about sth that they did in the past: take* (your) revenge on sb ※ MORE ... - weak, and easily harmed or damaged: vulnerable (to sth); noun (U): vulnerability Be kind to him - he's feeling rather vulnerable at the moment. - money that you can claim from sb if they injure you or damage your property: damages (noun plural), compensation (noun U) He broke his leg at work and received ※£1 000 in damages from his employer.
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