1 kinds of cloth 2 designs on cloth 3 how cloth feels other materials MATERIAL
1 kinds of cloth - any material made from cotton, wool, etc which you use for making clothes, curtains, etc: cloth (noun C/U), material (noun C/U) How much cloth do you need to make the jacket? ◎ What kind of material do you think I should buy for the wedding dress? - (in industry) a material that is made by weaving or knitting: textile They manufacture textiles. ◎ the textile industry - materials made from plants or the hair of animals are natural natural fabrics like silk and wool - materials that are made by a chemical process are man-made, synthetic Most man-made fibres are stronger than natural ones. ※ cotton materials - a natural cloth made from a tropical plant: cotton (noun U) a cotton T-shirt ◎ This blouse is 70% cotton and 30% polyester. - thick strong cotton cloth, often blue, used for making jeans, etc: denim (noun U) a blue denim jacket - thick soft cotton cloth, with raised lines: corduroy (noun U) corduroy trousers - a strong cloth like cotton made from a plant: linen (noun U) a linen handkerchief/suit ※ wool materials - cloth made from the hair of sheep, etc: wool (noun U) 'What's your coat made of?' 'It's pure wool.' ◎ a wool skirt - made from wool: woollen (AmE woolen) a woollen jumper - made from wool or like wool: woolly (AmE wooly) a warm woolly scarf - a type of thick woollen cloth: tweed (noun U) a tweed jacket - a very soft, fine wool or material made from it: cashmere (noun U) a cashmere sweater ※ more on wool WOOL ※ man-made materials - a strong man-made material that is used for making clothes, thread, etc: nylon (noun U) nylon socks - a man-made material used in clothes, that is softer than nylon: polyester (noun U) The sheets are 50% polyester, so they wash easily. ※ fine or expensive cloths - an expensive natural cloth made from threads produced by an insect: silk (noun U) a silk blouse ◎ This tie is pure silk. - a smooth shiny material: satin (noun U) a satin nightdress - a material made of cotton or silk, with a soft thick surface: velvet (noun U) a black velvet dress - a cloth made of very fine threads in beautiful patterns: lace (noun U) lace curtains ◎ a collar made of handmade lace
2 designs on cloth - an arrangement of lines, pictures, etc which make a regular design on cloth: pattern; having a pattern: patterned The curtains have a pattern of birds and flowers. ◎ a blue patterned silk blouse - six pieces of cloth showing these patterns: floral, spotted, striped, pinstriped, check, tartan
3 how cloth feels - the way sth feels when you touch it: texture, feel I like the colour of this material but I don't like the texture - it feels scratchy. - if sth is flat, without lumps or holes, so that your hand goes over it easily, it is smooth; opposite: rough smooth as silk ◎ That jumper is too rough for me to wear. - smooth and soft: silky The shirt feels really silky, but it's actually nylon. ※ MORE ... - material with rubber (or sth like rubber) in it to make it stretch: elastic (noun U) - a very strong thick cotton cloth, used for sails, bags, etc: canvas (noun U) canvas shoes - a piece of cloth with a design sewn in coloured thread: tapestry tapestries hanging on the walls of a room - to make cloth by passing threads under and over a series of other threads which are attached to a frame: weave* (sth); something which is made in this way is woven This coat is made from hand-woven Harris tweed. - a person who weaves cloth: weaver - the frame used for weaving: loom