Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 worrying 2 stopping worrying 3 not worrying or causing worry see also EMOTION
1 worrying - to feel anxious and unhappy about bad things that might happen: worry (about sth), feel*/be worried (about sth); to cause sb to worry: worry sb What are you worried about? ◎ I'm worried about my overdraft! - the state of being worried: worry (noun U); something that worries you: worry; adjective: worrying She's got so many worries! ◎ He's had a worrying time lately. - very worrying: nerve-racking 'How did you get on in your driving test?' 'It was nerve-racking!' - if you are worried and afraid, you are anxious (adverb anxiously); noun (U): anxiety; something that makes you feel anxious: anxiety It was already dark and I was beginning to get anxious. ◎ I have a slight anxiety about his state of health. - a state of constant worry about the problems of everyday life: stress (noun U); adjective: stressed to be under a lot of stress ◎ to suffer from stress ◎ I'm feeling rather stressed at the moment. - if you worry about a particular problem, you are troubled, disturbed, concerned; the problem troubles you, disturbs you, causes you concern; it is disturbing The doctor said he was rather concerned about Tom's condition. ◎ What's troubling you? ◎ a disturbing event - if you feel slightly worried about sth and therefore not relaxed, you are/feel nervous (adverb nervously), uneasy (adverb uneasily); nouns (U): nervousness, unease Harry kept looking nervously at his watch. 'Where is she?' he asked. ◎ She was still not back. I was beginning to feel uneasy. - if you are ashamed or made worried by a situation or by your own or another person's behaviour, you are embarrassed; noun (U): embarrassment Karen turned red with embarrassment when she met him unexpectedly. - to cause sb to be embarrassed: embarrass sb; something that causes you to be embarrassed is embarrassing My children often embarrass me in public. ◎ an embarrassing incident - feeling or causing worry or embarrassment: uncomfortable (adverb uncomfortably) Official occasions always make me feel uncomfortable. ◎ My question made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. - worried about sth bad that may happen: afraid (that ※¦/of doing sth) (not before a noun), frightened (at sth/that ※¦/of doing sth) She was afraid that we would say no. ◎ Don't be afraid of making your views known. ◎ All of us were frightened at the possibility of another attack. - very frightened and worried: alarmed; the state of being alarmed: alarm (noun U); to make sb frightened and worried: alarm sb The whole country was in a state of alarm. - very frightening and worrying: alarming an alarming idea - if you are in a very emotional state of worry, you are frantic (adverb frantically) frantic cries for help ◎ frantic with worry - to have a great fear about sth that will happen in the future: dread sth; noun (singular/U): dread She dreaded going to see the doctor. ◎ a secret dread of what might happen ◎ to be filled with dread - if you are worried about another person or thing, you fear for them He feared for his wife's safety. ※ more on being afraid AFRAID
2 stopping worrying - to cause a person to stop worrying about sth: set* sb's mind at rest - to cause a person to feel less worried: reassure sb; this help: reassurance (noun U); adjective: reassuring - the feeling that you have when you stop worrying: relief (noun U); if you are happy because you can stop worrying, you are relieved a sigh of relief ◎ She was relieved to hear they had arrived home safely. - to tell a person not to worry, you can say never mind Never mind, it's not important. - to show happiness and relief when you stop being worried, you can say thank God! or thank goodness! or what a relief! Thank God you're safe! - to become less worried, frightened, etc: relax Once I got home, I began to relax. - to make sb feel less nervous, worried, etc: put* sb at (their) ease She began her speech with a couple of jokes and this helped to put everyone at their ease. - to start to feel comfortable and relaxed in a place: make* yourself at home Just make yourself at home while I finish getting ready. I won't be long. - to do sth or say sth to make sb feel relaxed, especially when you meet them for the first time or at the start of a party: break* the ice The arrival of the couple with the baby helped to break the ice.
3 not worrying or causing worry - not causing you worry, difficulty, etc: comfortable Do you feel comfortable in large groups of people? - a person or thing that helps you when you are sad or worried: comfort It was a great comfort to know that you'd be waiting for me. - if something causes no trouble or worry, it is easy an easy life ◎ I felt quite easy about the situation. - to feel comfortable with the people or things around you: fit in (with sb/sth) Tracy has really fitted in well at her new school. - if you feel happy, with nothing to worry about, you are calm, relaxed a relaxed outlook on life - to feel comfortable, relaxed, etc: be/feel* at (your) ease, be/feel* at home Everyone at the party was so kind and friendly that I felt completely at ease. ◎ After a week or so, Mark began to feel at home in his new office. - to relax and not work too hard or worry: take* it/things easy I'm planning to take things easy for a few days. - if you do not feel worried about sth, you are unconcerned (about sth), you don't care (about sth) She doesn't care what other people think. ※ more on being calm CALM ※ MORE ... - nervous and worried in a way that is not normal: neurotic (adverb neurotically) - a person who continually worries about their health: hypochondriac
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