Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
take away

1. remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state;
transport into a new location or state (Freq. 5)
- Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands
- The car carried us off to the meeting
- I'll take you away on a holiday
- I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry
bear off, bear away, carry away, carry off
remove, take, withdraw
spirit away, spirit off, whisk off, whisk away
leave, go forth, go away
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Somebody ----s somebody
- Something ----s somebody
- Something ----s something
2. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract (Freq. 5)
- remove a threat
- remove a wrapper
- Remove the dirty dishes from the table
- take the gun from your pocket
- This machine withdraws heat from the environment
remove, take, withdraw
See Also:
take off (for: take)
Derivationally related forms:
withdrawal (for: withdraw), remotion (for: remove), remover (for: remove), removal (for: remove)
epilate, depilate, harvest, tip, stem,
extirpate, enucleate, exenterate, decorticate, bail, strip,
undress, divest, disinvest, ablate, clean, pick,
winnow, clear, clear up, muck, lift, tear away,
tear off, take off, take out, pit, stone, seed,
unhinge, shuck, hull, crumb, chip away, chip away at,
burl, knock out, scavenge, hypophysectomize, hypophysectomise, degas,
husk, shell, bur, burr, clear off, clear away,
flick, dismantle, defang, bone, debone, disembowel,
eviscerate, draw, tusk, detusk, dehorn, scalp,
weed, condense, bail out, bale out, leach, decalcify,
detoxify, detoxicate, de-ionate, de-iodinate, decarbonize, decarbonise,
decarburize, decarburise, decoke, delouse, ream, brush,
wash, wash out, wash off, wash away, desorb, pull,
demineralize, demineralise, eliminate, expectorate, clear out, drive out,
carve out, defuse, dredge, wear away, wear off, amputate,
cut off, resect, skim, skim off, cream off, cream,
scale, descale, circumcise, undock, dig, delve,
cut into, turn over, excavate, hollow, scoop, scoop out,
lift out, scoop up, take up, extract, pull out, pull up,
draw out, unstring, string, wipe off, wipe away, bear off,
bear away, carry away, carry off, unveil, unpack, unburden,
disburden, empty, discharge, unsaddle, offsaddle, shed,
cast, cast off, shake off, throw, throw off, throw away,
drop, dislodge, free, aspirate, suck out, delete,
cancel, ladle, lade, laden, spoon, gut,
head, draw off, draw away, pull off, get out, withdraw
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Something ----s something
- Somebody ----s something from somebody
- Somebody ----s somebody PP
- They want to take away the doors
3. take out or remove (Freq. 4)
- take out the chicken after adding the vegetables
take out
remove, take, withdraw
bus, kill, obliterate, wipe out, cross off,
cross out, strike out, strike off, mark, erase, delete,
cart off, cart away, haul off, haul away
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
4. take from a person or place (Freq. 2)
- We took the abused child away from its parents
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Somebody ----s somebody
- Somebody ----s somebody PP
- Somebody ----s something PP
5. buy and consume food from a restaurant or establishment that sells prepared food
- We'll take out pizza, since I am too tired to cook
take out
Derivationally related forms:
takeaway, takeout (for: take out)
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
6. take away a part from;
- His bad manners detract from his good character
Derivationally related forms:
detractive (for: detract), detraction (for: detract), detractor (for: detract)
reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down,
trim back, cut, bring down
Verb Frames:
- Something ----s something
7. get rid of something abstract
- The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage
- God takes away your sins
wash away
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Something ----s something

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