Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different feelings of surprise 2 what you do and say when you are surprised
1 different feelings of surprise - something that you did not expect, or the feeling that you have when this happens: surprise (noun C/U) I want my birthday present to be a surprise. ◎ He looked up in surprise when I spoke. ◎ To our surprise, she had already gone when we arrived. - something that causes a feeling of surprise is surprising (adverb surprisingly), it surprises you It's surprising that nobody has asked that question before. ◎ Not surprisingly, she got pretty angry. ◎ It wouldn't surprise me if it rained this afternoon. ◎ Let's surprise her by giving her a party. - when sth happens which you did not expect, you are surprised I was surprised to see so many people there. ◎ She was surprised at his behaviour. - if sth that you were not expecting happens to you, it takes* you by surprise His answer took me by surprise. - something that you did not expect is unexpected (adverb unexpectedly) an unexpected guest ◎ to arrive unexpectedly - happening unexpectedly and quickly: suddenly, all of a sudden, all at once; adjective: sudden Everything happened so suddenly that it's difficult to remember the details. ◎ All of a sudden, she burst out laughing. ◎ a sudden noise/movement ※ very surprising - very surprising: amazing, incredible, astonishing an amazing trick ◎ an astonishing success - if sth is very surprising, it amazes you, astonishes you, you are or feel amazed/astonished (at/by it) You amaze me. ◎ She has astonished us all by her decision. ◎ I'm amazed at the prices here. - a feeling of great surprise: amazement (noun U), astonishment (noun U) to stare in amazement ◎ Her eyes opened wide in astonishment. ※ bad surprises - something which is surprising and bad or unpleasant is shocking, a shock, it shocks you, you feel shocked Conditions in the camps are shocking. ◎ His death was a terrible shock to everyone. ◎ She's suffering from the shock of the news. ◎ The pictures may shock you. - if sth surprises and perhaps frightens you, it is startling, it startles you, you feel startled You startled me when you came into the room so quietly. ◎ a startled look - a sudden shock or disappointment: blow His death was a terrible blow to the whole family. ◎ My exam results were a bit of a blow. ※ strange and surprising - strange and surprising: funny That's funny - why have the lights gone out? - to say that sth is strange and surprising, you can begin funnily (enough) Funnily enough, I had a similar experience to yours last week. - very surprising and therefore rather difficult to believe: incredible (adverb incredibly) What an incredible story! - two or more things happening at the same time by chance: coincidence (noun C/U) What a coincidence! I had just mentioned your name when you came in the door. ◎ By coincidence, we had bought our hats from the same shop.
2 what you do and say when you are surprised - to make a sudden movement because of surprise or fear: jump I wish you would knock on the door before you come in - you made me jump. - very surprised and therefore unable to speak for a moment: speechless, stunned, taken aback Her answer left him speechless. ◎ a stunned silence ◎ We were stunned by the news. ◎ She was completely taken aback by his question and couldn't think of a thing to say. - to say sth suddenly because you are surprised, angry, etc: exclaim; what you say: exclamation 'What a lovely surprise!' he exclaimed. ◎ There were exclamations of delight as the children opened their presents. - to express surprise, you can say (oh) really? or (good) heavens! or gosh! or wow! Really? How did you find this out? ◎ Good heavens! Is that really the time? I must go! ◎ Gosh! I don't know what to say! Thank you! ◎ Wow! That's fantastic! - to emphasize that sth is surprising, you can use even I was in such a hurry that I didn't even have time for breakfast. ◎ Even the Prime Minister was present. ※ MORE ... - an unexpected and unpleasant piece of news: bombshell The announcement came as a bombshell. - if sth is completely unexpected, you can say that it happens (right) out of the blue The job offer came right out of the blue, from a company I had never even heard of.
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