Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
subject area

a branch of knowledge
- in what discipline is his doctorate?
- teachers should be well trained in their subject
- anthropology is the study of human beings
discipline, subject, subject field, field, field of study,
study, bailiwick
Derivationally related forms:
study (for: study), disciplinary (for: discipline)
knowledge domain, knowledge base, domain
occultism, communications, communication theory, major, frontier,
genealogy, allometry, bibliotics, ology, science, scientific discipline,
architecture, engineering, engineering science, applied science, technology, futurology,
futuristics, humanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts, arts, theology,
theology, military science, escapology, graphology, numerology,
protology, theogony

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