Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
- the difference between the sexessexual behaviour SEX - the condition of being male or female: sex (noun U), (particularly referring to social characteristics) (formal) gender (noun C/U) They didn't want to know the sex of their baby before it was born. ◎ differences of race or gender - connected with being male or female: sexual sexual characteristics - the group of either male or female: sex conflict between the sexes - the other sex: the opposite sex He could never get on with the opposite sex. - belonging to the sex that can give birth: female - belonging to the sex that does not give birth: male - if sth is usually associated with women, it is feminine; noun (U): femininity She hates looking feminine and always wears trousers. ◎ He has a very feminine voice. - if sth is usually associated with men, it is masculine; noun (U): masculinity masculine pride ※ men and women MAN, WOMAN ※ attitudes to the different sexes - treating men and women equally: sexual equality (noun U) - not treating men and women equally: (sexual) discrimination (noun U) - the belief that either men or women are better than the other sex: sexism (noun U); adjective: sexist I don't agree with you: that's just sexist talk! - the belief that men are better than women: male chauvinism (noun U); a man who has this belief: male chauvinist - the belief that women should have the same power, rights and opportunities as men: feminism (noun U); adjective: feminist; a person who has such a belief: feminist the feminist movement
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