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see also CLEVER - able to think or act in a reasonable way; showing good judgement: sensible (adverb sensibly) You were very sensible to call the doctor. ◎ It wasn't very sensible of her to stay so late at the party. ◎ a sensible decision ◎ The sensible thing to do is to phone for a taxi. - making sensible decisions and good at dealing with problems: practical We must be practical and find out how much it costs first. - (used about an action, decision, etc) taken for good reasons: reasonable (adverb reasonably), rational (adverb rationally) a reasonable point of view ◎ to behave rationally - the ability to think or act in a reasonable way: sense (noun U); the ability to do things in a sensible way because of your experience of life, not because of what you have studied: common sense (noun U) What a ridiculous thing to do! Have you no sense at all? ◎ She always talks good sense. ◎ It's plain common sense to wear a seat belt in a car. ◎ Use your common sense! ※ not sensible - not sensible: foolish, stupid, ridiculous a foolish course of action ◎ a really stupid thing to do - actions that are not sensible or wise are inadvisable It is inadvisable to carry a lot of cash when you are travelling. - if sth has no meaning or purpose, it is senseless; noun (U): senselessness a senseless killing ◎ the senselessness of war - something that is not based on reason or clear thought is irrational (adverb irrationally) an irrational fear ◎ to behave irrationally
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