Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 selling 2 places where things are sold 3 money from selling 4 the work of selling see also BUY
1 selling - to give sth to sb who pays for it and is then the owner of it: sell* (sb) sth, sell* (sth) (to sb), (informal) flog (sth) (to sb) The fridge you sold me isn't working properly. ◎ I'd like to buy his books but he won't sell. ◎ Have you managed to flog your guitar yet? - the act of selling: sale (noun U) The sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 is forbidden. - an occasion when things are sold: sale a sale of second-hand books ◎ a jumble sale (= an event when people sell old or used things that they do not want any more) - to offer sth for sale: sell* sth Are you selling your car? ◎ Do you sell stamps? - a person who sells sth: seller a bookseller ◎ The seller must ensure that the equipment is safe to use. - when sb offers sth for sb to buy, it is for sale, on the market; things which are being sold in shops are on sale - if people are keen to buy sth, it sells* (well) - the amount sold by a shop over a period of time: sales (noun plural) In the week before Christmas sales of toys were very good. - to be completely sold, so that no more are available: sell* out I rushed to the shop but the book had already sold out. - to sell all of sth so that there are no more to be bought: sell* out (of sth) He told me they'd sold out of that kind of jacket, but they could order one for me.
2 places where things are sold - a building or part of a building where things are bought and sold: shop (AmE store) ※ more on shops SHOP ※ markets - a regular event at which people come together to buy and sell things: market - the place where a market is held: market, market place - the day in the week when a market takes place: market-day - a market where people sell things from the boots of their cars: car-boot sale - a small shop or table where things are sold in a market: stall - a person who buys and sells things, especially in a market: trader a market trader in the East End of London ※ auctions - a public sale at which items are sold to the person who offers the most money: auction (noun C/U); to sell sth in this way: auction sth Do you like it? I bought it in an auction. ◎ The house will be sold by auction. - a place where public sales and auctions are held: saleroom - a person who organizes the selling at an auction: auctioneer
3 money from selling - the amount of money for which sth is sold: price (noun C/U) high/low prices ◎ a sudden rise in price ※ more on prices PRICE - the money you get as a result of selling sth: proceeds (noun plural) All proceeds will be given to charity. - the amount of money that a shop gets in a day, week, etc: takings (noun plural) - money that you earn by selling sth for sb: commission (on sth) (noun C/U) I get a ten percent commission on all sales. - the amount of money made when sth is sold for more than it cost: profit (noun C/U); opposite: loss (noun C/U) We sold our house at a profit. ◎ I made a profit of ※£10 on my bike. ◎ an increase in annual profits ◎ We didn't make much profit in the first year or two. - to make a profit: make* sth (on sth) The firm made ※£2 million on the deal. - if you do not make either a profit or a loss, you break* even I don't think we'll make much on this deal but we ought to break even.
4 the work of selling - a man/woman whose job is to sell sth: salesman/saleswoman a door-to-door salesman (= sb who sells by going to people's houses) a car salesman ◎ an insurance salesman - a person who buys and sells things, especially of one particular type: dealer a dealer in antiques ◎ a used-car dealer - skill in selling things: salesmanship (noun U) - the section of a business that is responsible for selling things: sales department - to put information in a newspaper, on television, etc to persuade people to buy sth: advertise (sth) - a piece of information in a newspaper, on television, etc, intended to persuade people to buy sth or do sth: advertisement, (informal) advert, (informal) ad - work that is done to find out what people want to buy: market research (noun U) ※ more on advertising ADVERTISEMENT ※ packaging - paper, boxes, etc in which things are packed in order to be sold: packaging (noun U) Is it really necessary for food to have so much packaging? - a box, bag, etc in which things are packed to be sold in a shop: packet (AmE package) a packet of sweets/cigarettes/biscuits ◎ a cigarette packet ※ more on packets, etc CONTAINER ※ MORE ... - a person or company that supplies things to a shop: supplier, wholesaler; connected with selling goods in large quantities (for example, to shops): wholesale (adjective, adverb) wholesale prices ◎ We buy all our paper and office equipment wholesale. - a person or shop that sells directly to the public: retailer - connected with selling goods directly to the public: retail (adjective, adverb) the retail trade - to sell everything you own (your house, your business, etc) in order to move to another place, start a new life, retire, etc: sell* up They sold up and moved to Australia.
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