1. the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message (Freq. 22) - his main reading was detective stories - suggestions for further reading • Derivationally related forms: read • Hypernyms: linguistic process, language • Hyponyms: speed-reading, perusal, perusing, poring over, studying, browse, browsing, skim, skimming 2. a particular interpretation or performance (Freq. 4) - on that reading it was an insult - he was famous for his reading of Mozart • Derivationally related forms: read • Hypernyms: interpretation 3. a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument (Freq. 3) - he could not believe the meter reading - the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm • Syn: meter reading, indication • Derivationally related forms: indicate (for: indication), read • Hypernyms: datum, data point • Hyponyms: clock time, time, miles per hour, mph 4. written material intended to be read (Freq. 2) - the teacher assigned new readings - he bought some reading material at the airport • Syn: reading material • Hypernyms: written communication, written language, black and white • Hyponyms: bumf, bumph 5. a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something (Freq. 1) • Syn: interpretation, version • Derivationally related forms: interpret (for: interpretation) • Hypernyms: representation, mental representation, internal representation • Hyponyms: reinterpretation, anagoge 6. a public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance - the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems • Syn: recitation, recital • Derivationally related forms: read, recitalist (for: recital), recite (for: recital), recite (for: recitation) • Hypernyms: public speaking, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation • Hyponyms: declamation 7. the act of measuring with meters or similar instruments - he has a job meter reading for the gas company • Syn: meter reading • Derivationally related forms: read • Hypernyms: measurement, measuring, measure, mensuration