Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
middle west

the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America) (Freq. 1)
Midwest, midwestern United States
Instance Hypernyms:
geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region
Part Holonyms:
United States, United States of America, America, the States, US,
U.S., USA, U.S.A.
Part Meronyms:
Rustbelt, Illinois, Prairie State, Land of Lincoln, IL,
Indiana, Hoosier State, IN, Iowa, Hawkeye State, IA,
Kansas, Sunflower State, KS, Michigan, Wolverine State, Great Lakes State,
MI, Minnesota, Gopher State, North Star State, MN, Missouri,
Show Me State, MO, Nebraska, Cornhusker State, NE, Ohio,
Buckeye State, OH, Wisconsin, Badger State, WI

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