1. the quality of innocent naivete (Freq. 5) • Syn: artlessness, ingenuousness, naturalness • Derivationally related forms: ingenuous (for: ingenuousness), innocent, artless (for: artlessness) • Hypernyms: naivete, naivety, naiveness • Hyponyms: innocency 2. the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil • Syn: purity, pureness, sinlessness, whiteness • Derivationally related forms: white (for: whiteness), innocent, sinless (for: sinlessness), pure (for: pureness), pure (for: purity), purify (for: purity) • Hypernyms: condition, status • Hyponyms: cleanness 3. a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense - the trial established his innocence • Ant: guilt • Derivationally related forms: innocent • Hypernyms: condition, status • Hyponyms: blamelessness, inculpability, inculpableness, guiltlessness, clear