Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
house cat

any domesticated member of the genus Felis
domestic cat, Felis domesticus, Felis catus
cat, true cat, domestic animal, domesticated animal
kitty, kitty-cat, puss, pussy, pussycat,
mouser, alley cat, tom, tomcat, tabby, queen,
tabby cat, tiger cat, tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell-cat, calico cat, Persian cat,
Angora, Angora cat, Siamese cat, Siamese, Burmese cat, Egyptian cat,
Maltese, Maltese cat, Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat, Manx, Manx cat
Member Holonyms:
Felis, genus Felis, clowder

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