1. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something - he has a good grasp of accounting practices • Syn: appreciation, hold • Hypernyms: understanding, apprehension, discernment, savvy • Hyponyms: sense 2. the act of grasping - he released his clasp on my arm - he has a strong grip for an old man - she kept a firm hold on the railing • Syn: clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grip, hold • Derivationally related forms: hold (for: hold), grip (for: grip), clutch (for: clutch), clench (for: clench), clasp (for: clasp) • Hypernyms: grasping, taking hold, seizing, prehension • Hyponyms: chokehold, choke hold, embrace, embracing, embracement, wrestling hold 3. the limit of capability - within the compass of education • Syn: compass, range, reach • Derivationally related forms: range (for: range), compass (for: compass) • Hypernyms: capability, capableness, potentiality • Hyponyms: sight, ken 4. an intellectual hold or understanding - a good grip on French history - they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities - he was in the grip of a powerful emotion - a terrible power had her in its grasp • Syn: grip • Derivationally related forms: grip (for: grip) • Hypernyms: influence • Hyponyms: tentacle
1. hold firmly (Freq. 15) • Syn: hold on • Derivationally related forms: grasping • Hypernyms: hold, take hold • Hyponyms: latch on, cling, hang, clasp • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something 2. get the meaning of something (Freq. 8) - Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter? • Syn: grok, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, compass, apprehend • Derivationally related forms: apprehensible (for: apprehend), apprehensive (for: apprehend), apprehension (for: apprehend), apprehender (for: apprehend), grasping, savvy (for: savvy), comprehensible (for: comprehend), comprehendible (for: comprehend), comprehension (for: comprehend) • Hypernyms: understand • Hyponyms: figure, catch on, get wise, get onto, tumble, latch on, cotton on, twig, get it, intuit, digest • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - Somebody ----s (for: get the picture) - Sam and Sue grasp the movie - They won't grasp the story