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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
genus Prunus

a genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regions
rosid dicot genus
Member Holonyms:
Rosaceae, family Rosaceae, rose family
Member Meronyms:
plum, plum tree, plumcot, plumcot tree, apricot,
apricot tree, common apricot, Prunus armeniaca, purple apricot, black apricot, Prunus dasycarpa,
cherry, cherry tree, Western sand cherry, Rocky Mountains cherry, Prunus besseyi, cherry laurel,
laurel cherry, mock orange, wild orange, Prunus caroliniana, almond tree, Prunus laurocerasus,
hagberry tree, European bird cherry, common bird cherry, Prunus padus, peach, peach tree,
Prunus persica, nectarine, nectarine tree, Prunus persica nectarina, sand cherry, Prunus pumila,
Prunus pumilla susquehanae, Prunus susquehanae, Prunus cuneata, blackthorn, sloe, Prunus spinosa,
chokecherry, chokecherry tree, Prunus virginiana

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