a regular walk taken as a form of exercise • Derivationally related forms: constitutionalize • Hypernyms: walk
1. of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup - constitutional walk • Pertains to noun: constitution 2. sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government - the constitutional right of free speech - constitutional government - constitutional guarantees • Ant: unconstitutional 3. constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup) • Syn: constituent, constitutive, organic • Similar to: essential • Derivationally related forms: constitute (for: constituent) 4. existing as an essential constituent or characteristic - the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity - a constitutional inability to tell the truth • Syn: built-in, inbuilt, inherent, integral • Similar to: intrinsic, intrinsical • Derivationally related forms: inherence (for: inherent), inhere (for: inherent)