Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 describing or drawing a circle 2 moving in a circle or forming a circle other shapes SHAPE
1 describing or drawing a circle - a line which curves round to form the shape of a ring. Every point on the line is the same distance from the centre: (used in mathematics) circle; (used generally) circle, ring to draw a circle ◎ The children stood in a circle/ring and held hands. ◎ He arranged the candles in a circle on the cake. - to draw a circle round sth: circle sth, ring sth The students had to circle the correct answer to each question. - a V-shaped instrument used for drawing circles: compass, (pair of) compasses (noun plural) - a flat, round area, shaped like a circle: circle; adjective: circular Cut out a circle of paper. ◎ the centre circle (in a game of football for example) a circular shape - a round object with a hole in the middle: ring a wedding ring ◎ a keyring - a round flat object: disc (AmE disk) an identity disc (= a small disc like a coin which identifies a person or animal) - any round object shaped like a ball (especially in mathematics): sphere; adjective: spherical a spherical object - having the same shape as a circle or a sphere: round a round window ◎ The earth is round. ◎ a round hole - the shape of half a circle: semicircle; adjective: semicircular a semicircular stage - shaped like an egg: oval an oval mirror ※ the measurements of a circle - the distance round a circle or sth circular: circumference The circumference of the circle is 12 cm. ◎ The circle is 12 cm in circumference.
2 moving in a circle or forming a circle - to move approximately in a circle: go*, walk, drive*, etc round sth, circle sth to go round the world ◎ We had to drive round the roundabout a few times before we knew which road to take. ◎ The plane circled the city a few times before landing. - going round in a circle: circular The bus follows a circular route. ◎ He made circular movements with his hand. - to move in a circle around a central point: go* round (sth), revolve (round/around sth) The big hand of the clock goes round once an hour. ◎ The moon revolves around the earth. - in the same direction as a clock: clockwise (adjective, adverb); opposite: anticlockwise (adjective, adverb) to go in a clockwise direction ◎ to turn anticlockwise ※ moving in a circle (like a wheel or ball) TURN - (used about a group of people) to form a circle around sb/sth: gather round/around sb/sth The children gathered round the teacher to hear him tell a story. - to be or go all around sb/sth: surround sb/sth The soldiers surrounded the city. ◎ a village surrounded by mountains
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