Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
catch up with

1. catch up with and possibly overtake (Freq. 9)
- The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
overtake, catch
Derivationally related forms:
overtaking (for: overtake)
Verb Group:
compete, vie, contend
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s somebody
- Something ----s something
2. make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point (Freq. 2)
- I have to make up a French exam
- Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?
make up
Derivationally related forms:
makeup (for: make up), make-up (for: make up)
recover, recoup, recuperate
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something

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