1 breaking in two 2 breaking completely (into many pieces) 3 easy or difficult to break machines which are broken and do not work MACHINE see also JOIN, REPAIR
1 breaking in two - to separate into two or more pieces: break*; to cause sth to do this: break* sth; adjective: broken How did the teapot get broken? ◎ She broke her arm skiing. ◎ a broken window - to separate into two pieces: break* in two/half It slipped from my fingers and broke in two on the kitchen floor. - to break in two suddenly, with a sharp noise: snap; the sound you hear when this happens: snap I was bending the stick and it suddenly snapped. ◎ It broke in half with a snap. - to break into two or more parts from end to end: split*; to cause this to happen: split* sth; the place where sth has split: split The boots were old and the leather had split. ◎ He split the wood with an axe. ◎ There was a huge split in the trunk of the tree. - to separate from sth larger: break*/come* off (sth); to cause sth to do this: break* sth off (sth) The handle has broken off my cup. ◎ One of the legs has come off this chair. ◎ Can you break a bit of chocolate off for me? - to remove sth from sth larger by using force: pull sth off (sth) I accidentally pulled the handle off the door! - to break so that a line appears, but without breaking into pieces: crack; to cause this to happen: crack sth; a line made in this way: crack The water was too hot and the glass cracked. ◎ There was a long crack down the middle of the mirror. - to break a small piece off the edge or the surface of sth made of glass or china: chip sth; a small piece that has broken off, or a place where a small piece has broken off: chip Most of our cups and saucers are chipped. ◎ The plate had a chip in it.
2 breaking completely (into many pieces) - to separate into a lot of small pieces: break* into pieces, fall* to pieces, disintegrate; noun (U): disintegration The plant pot fell to pieces when I picked it up. - to cause sth to separate into a lot of small pieces: break* sth into pieces/bits All the toys had been broken into pieces. - (used about sth that has different parts) to separate into pieces: come*/fall* apart It was a very old book and it just came apart as I was reading it. - to break under force or pressure: give* way, collapse; noun: collapse The platform gave way under the weight of all the people. ◎ The collapse of the stand led to the loss of many lives. - a boat or aeroplane that breaks into a lot of pieces breaks* up The ship broke up on the rocks. - to break sth in such a way that it will never be repaired: destroy sth, smash sth (up) - to press or break a hard object into very small pieces or into powder: crush sth This machine crushes the rock into small pieces. - to break into long, thin, sharp pieces: splinter; a long, thin, sharp piece of wood, metal or glass that has broken off a larger piece: splinter - to break into very small pieces: shatter; to break glass into very small pieces: shatter sth, smash sth The glass fell and shattered on the floor. ◎ The force of the explosion shattered all the windows in the area. - if sth has broken or has been broken into many pieces, it is in pieces - one of the small pieces into which sth breaks: fragment The police found nothing but some fragments of bone. - the pieces from sth that has crashed to the ground or been destroyed: debris (noun U) The debris from the plane crash was scattered over a wide area. - pieces of broken brick, stone, etc, especially from a damaged building: rubble (noun U) - if sth is broken in any way, or is not in perfect order, it is damaged ※ ways in which things can be damaged DAMAGE
3 easy or difficult to break - if sth can be broken easily, it is fragile; if it is not easily broken, it is strong, tough; if it cannot be broken, it is unbreakable Be careful - that vase is very fragile. - to make sth stronger so that it will not break easily: strengthen sth, toughen sth toughened glass - if sth is hard, but it is still easily broken, it is brittle brittle bones - if sth bends easily without breaking, it is flexible