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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

I - noun
an admirer of Greece and everything Greek
philhellene, philhellenist
Derivationally related forms:
Graecophilic, philhellenism (for: philhellenist), philhellene (for: philhellene), philhellenic (for: philhellene)
supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend

II - adjective
characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things
- the Philhellenic Society
philhellenic, philhellene, Graecophilic
Pertains to noun:
philhellene (for: philhellene), philhellene (for: philhellenic)
Derivationally related forms:
Graecophile (for: Graecophilic), philhellene (for: philhellene), philhellene (for: philhellenic)

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